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Simplertrading - Day Trading Recipes (Day Trading Futures Strategy plus Live Trading)

Day Trading Recipes: Simple Setups for Low Risk Futures Trading Profits

Discover the time-tested strategies John Carter, Raghee Horner, and the Simpler Team use to identify high probability intraday futures trades (indicators sold separately)

What will you learn?

  • How to Make $1,000 a day (or more) trading index futures intraday, even if you’re a beginner with a smaller account (Learn simple high probability setups we’ve refined for over 20 years)
  • You need to watch the market all day? Wrong! Discover our favorite ‘windows of opportunity’ and trade less than 15 minutes a day (You can trade at night while binge watching Netflix if you prefer).
  • 5 ‘tried and true’ setups with the potential to crank out consistent weekly profits.  Professional traders have exploited these patterns for decades because they repeat almost like clockwork.  These little-known ‘old school’ patterns may be all that you’ll ever need to trade full or part-time.
  • How to read stock market internals like an open book.  Even when the market is plummeting faster than your charting platform can print bars, you can know exactly what’s going on.  It’s all about institutional order flow and automated trading programs.  Learn this one skill and you’ll know whether you want to buy, sell, or stay out at a glance.
  • Discover which futures markets to avoid like the plague.  Fact is, you only need to watch a few symbols to have more than enough opportunity to profit.  You can safely ignore the rest. Just follow our simple checklist and know which symbols we like to trade.
  • How to use futures price action as a leading indicator to predict major turning points in certain stocks and ETFs. Take full advantage of this little-known tell-tale sign to avoid getting blindsided by sudden reversals.
  • The ONE powerful setup that my 15 year old niece (with zero experience) used to make about $18,000 in 3-weeks.  This ‘bread and butter’ trade offers the potential for rapid account growth with limited risk.
  • Worried about your portfolio? Even if you never want to day trade futures, you’ll be amazed at how quickly and easily you can hedge against another market meltdown and sleep soundly at night (it’s even possible to profit while everyone else is panicking as their nest eggs get scrambled).

About the Content Providers:

About John:

  • His trading strategy combines expert technical analysis with an overall macro, fundamental view.
  • His proven trading setups identify large directional plays that he leverages with both options and futures, as well as neutral moments in time for income trading opportunities when market conditions are on the slow side.
  • He likes being in the trade before anyone else, and he uses his signature indicator ‘the Squeeze’ to enter many of these plays.
  • John’s trades can generally be adjusted for those looking for a more conservative take on his aggressive plays, and traders can use his tools to find setups that fit their own risk parameters. His setups, market knowledge, and guidance to continually improve yourself as a trader is invaluable.

About Raghee:

  • Our resident forex expert, with several books published on the topic, Raghee is highly skilled at trading futures, forex, and options.
  • Raghee’s love for her work and enthusiasm for teaching others shines through when you listen to her in our Simpler Futures Gold Room.
  • Her combination of technical analysis and “big-picture” market psychology can teach you the futures and forex markets from top to bottom. Her passion began with futures trading and grew to forex out of her interest in macro analysis and trending markets. There is nothing she enjoys more than teaching her students how to ride the waves of those long term trends.
  • Raghee welcomes giving traders extra chat room time combined with an access to a wealth of educational content and daily videos. She prefers longer-term trades that last days or 1-3 weeks, averaging between 30-70% ROI. With Raghee’s trading style, you receive trade setups between 8-24 hours in advance of the trigger, allowing clients who don’t want to sit at the computer all day an excellent opportunity to enter swing trades.

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