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Simplertrading - The Haystack Options Method (Master Package) for TOS

The Haystack Options Method (Master Package)

In this class, you’ll learn exactly how John Carter uses ETF Options to find and exploit opportunities in any sector of the economy with strictly limited risk.

Master Package 

Total Value $6,323

With the Master Package you’ll get everything that is included in the Pro Package and the Elite Package (ETF Secrets Course, Interactive Options Basics, Multi-Squeeze Indicator, the Haystack Strategy Session, Top Hat Indicator, Top Hat Hedging Strategy Session, and 3 days of Live Trading) PLUS:


Correlate allocated and unallocated cash and investments in multiple trades in order to better manage your entire portfolio. This tool will help you to properly allocate investments to be sure you are properly positioned for all market conditions. Displayed on charts as a lower study. Available for Tradestation and Thinkorswim.


 Saturday, December 16th from 4PM - 5PM CST

The Power Correlations Indicator (included) helps you to precisely measure how correlated your portfolio is to any market. This allows you to dial in your hedging strategy so you can have more peace of mind. This special session will give you a step-by-step guide for getting the most out of this tool. You'll learn exactly how it compliments other indicators in your trading toolkit.

Elite Package 

Total Value $5,679

With the Elite Package, you’ll get everything that is included in the Pro Package (ETF Secrets Course, Interactive Options Basics, Multi-Squeeze Indicator, and the Multi-Squeeze Strategy Session) PLUS:


Clearly identifies upcoming trend reversals and identifies opportunities to hedge or adjust positions accordingly to maintain optimal positioning in market. This is achieved with "top hat" icons displayed directly on your chart. Works on all times frames, stocks, ETF's, Futures and Indexes. Available for Thinkorswim and Tradestation.


 Saturday, December 16th from 2PM - 4PM CST

Discover how to properly hedge your portfolio with the new Top Hat Indicator (included). This breakthrough tool clearly identifies when to hedge or adjust open positions. Using this hedging strategy offers a smarter way to protect your portfolio and even potentially increase profits.

3 DAYS OF LIVE TRADING ($2,997 Value)

December 18th thru 20th from 8:30AM - 3PM CST

Now that you've established a solid foundation of understanding around the strategies, setups, and the indicators, it's time to see the strategies implemented in real-time. The live-trading environment seems to facilitate those "aha" moments that can become game changers in your trading career.

Pro Package 

Total Value $1,938


This 4 Hour pre-recorded strategy session will tell you what key markets to use for your analysis of ETF trades, why ETF options are perfect for the new options trader, and wealth building trades that can dramatically elevate your trading account. Additionally, you will have access to the recordings of 3 full days of live trading with John Carter as he shows how to conduct intermarket analysis and why it’s crucial for trading ETF’s, and much more.


 Saturday, December 16th from 10AM - 12PM CST

Whether you're new to options or could use a refresher on the basics, this 2hr session will give you the foundation you need. From understanding calls and puts, to 4 basic options trades, to options mechanics, the trading process, and more. A "Simpler" guide to getting started with Options.


Quickly see if higher time frame charts have a squeeze setting up. Save space with display on a single chart in the upper corner, while still timing squeeze entries and trade set ups, and keep an eye on higher time frames without having numerous charts open at the same time. Works on all time frames, Stocks, ETF's, Futures and Indexes. Available for Thinkorswim & Tradestation.


 Saturday, December 16th from 12PM - 2PM CSTDive deep into the Haystack strategy to identify high probability ETF Options setups with the new Multi-Squeeze Indicator (included).  You'll learn the step-by-step process as well as the "why" behind the strategy, best practices, tips & tricks, and how to build it into your trading plan, and much more. 

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