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REIClub & REIClub Foreclosure Academy

Let me reveal just a little bit about the detailed, game-changing, wealth-making experience these DVDs will deliver…


(4 hours, 12 minutes of detailed Short Sale insider information.)

Take careful notes as Jerami completely peels back each layer of the Short Sale onion and learn the exact package every lender will want. Covers letters, hardship letters, HUD1, order of the package, where to send it to, how to get it assigned quickly, and other paperwork you’ll easily know, good enough to train your team members to do for you. Who knows better than a former bank top-level Loss Mitigator insider? And he’ll reveal every form, disclosure, addendum, and clause you need to foolproof your offer and limit your liability.


(4 hours, 55 minutes of precise legalese made understandable.)

Contracts, addendums, disclosures, oh my. Use the right legal tools and you’re in good. Use the wrong legal tools and you literally could wind up bankrupt. But there’s something even more elite about the completely innovative and unique contract strategy Josh and Jeff use. It’s even trademarked and NOBODY else has this down… nor will they ever be able to rip it off (without landing in their own legal boiling pot of water).

Yea, it’s sort of an option contract… but much more stealth. And it’s sort of like a land contract… but way more effective and tax beneficial. And besides title companies and lenders have virtually shut out land contracts. Quite simply this is the best method to make cash in the Short Sale market… it’s also the most tax-beneficial and liability limiting.

To those not privy it simply walks like a duck and quacks like a duck… so they think it’s just the same ole duck, but in reality, it’s a tiger.


(5 hours, 49 minutes of marketing from core concepts to advanced strategies.)

We all like the thrill of a deal strategy. Let’s face it – you can know 17 ways to short sell, 15 methods to flip houses, and 22 tricks of wholesaling but the hard fact is:

if you don’t have buyers or sellers, you don’t have squat.

How do you get more done for less? Automate and systematize. The Marketing sessions are packed with both solid basics and little-known, leading-edge methods to keep your pipeline full.


(5 hours, 59 minutes of beyond the single deal, how to create a wealth-building business.)

For some folks, Investing is a hobby. We wish them well. For the serious Investor – part-time or full-time – it’s a business with a profit objective… a huge profit objective.

Other courses may teach you some methods or techniques but no matter what type of investing you choose to focus on until you learn how to work as a systematized business you’ll always be trading hours for dollars.


(47 minutes of how to play wealth defense.)

As you can see this closed-door conference was packed with top-notch, elite Investing information that can:

  • make and grow your wealth…
  • in a business that YOU lead rather than being a slave to…
  • all while reducing your liability and taxes and protecting your wealth and livelihood

There’s a total of 21 hours and 45 minutes of business and life-changing content.

Why the reality of visibility is a threat to you

Not all _____________ or all ____________ are created equal

How many identities do you need?

Having the proper wealth shields discourages lawsuits like a frayed tightrope above a 5,000-foot canyon discourages visitors… how to determine what shields work for your unique situation

Handshakes are nice… at cocktail parties. Get this document signed before you allow anyone to do work on a property… and avoid a nasty legal hangover

Keep accurate records of these 3 things or as many folks who haven’t, one day your wealth can go up in smoke

Wealth alert: the top 4 legal and wealth challenges Investors have and how to sidestep them

Have an in-house negotiator? They should be able to handle this many files at a time. More than that and you risk them dropping the ball

What you get when you pay commission-based compensation and why all of your employees and contractors should have at least part of their compensation commission

A bad hire costs businesses on average $300,000. Here’s specifically how to advertise, sort, and interview to ensure you hire right

The simple rule of thumb for outsourcing and delegation

The only time you should multi-task, in fact, it’s much better to multi-task this way

To take your business beyond today and this week you must consistently schedule time for FFT

What drummers and meetings have in common

Why each person working in your business – and YOU – need a POA

How to permanently lock your mind into wealth mode… so you’ll never struggle from deal to deal

How GAM can crush your productivity and the simple way to stop it

Six keys to a 7-figure business

Start with ACER, explode your results

Are you running on random… Do you know how much that costs you?

It’s not the money, it’s the…

These are your 3 daily priorities. Build your business around these and success will be locked in

The crucial difference between a business owner and an investor and why it matters to your wealth

The hare and tortoise… what’s the critical difference?

You got the lead, they’re not going to work out as a buyer or seller. Here’s how you can still monetize them

4 best lead types… 2 of them virtually unknown

Avoid these 3 top mistakes with Realtors

How to set up your referral engine

Follow these 3 rules to ensure a successful marketing campaign. Everything else is noise

The marketing method that gets the greatest response

The cheapest, most effective marketing is?

Free skip trace?… here are 4 places to get them

The most important marketing campaign input. Don’t make the mistake of ignoring this and losing big

The most valuable thing you can do in marketing

types of marketing campaigns and when and why to use each one

The #1 reason Investors fail to achieve a profitable business and how you won’t fall victim to it

Defining your sweet spot and why that matters… a lot

Nobody ever plans to be in foreclosure. Here’s how you can use that to your advantage while your competition focuses on the wrong thing

Do you know about the premier tool of the trade that will completely automate 80-90% of your lead generation

Use Twitter this way and you could get enough leads to keep your pipeline full. Oh, and, you can automate the whole thing

Blogging absolutely gets great results. But blogging is A LOT of work… EXCEPT if you do it this way… so little work, such big rewards

3 easy-to-implement strategies to draw in more people to your website than watching the Super Bowl

“Deals” are Buyer mousetraps… here’s the cheese you need to get them to bite

Follow these 5 rules to completely dominate your market online

Realtors… Investors hate them. You’ll love them when you learn how easy it is to have them be delighted to list and sell your houses for you – fast

How long should a long-term lease be? one day less than…

Use these 4 characteristics to find the best short-sale properties

What you need to know about the Equator – this is about doing Short Sales, not about geography

Don’t forget the spouse

Options contracts have time periods… how long should yours be?

How to fix title problems and why you must

The difference between equitable interest and contractual interest and how it affects your transaction

$10 is sufficient consideration in all states but…?

What four words need to be on an option contract for a Florida property

Title insurance – don’t leave closing without it if you’re going to hold the title more than a minute

What’s an Authorization to Release Information – where do you get it, what do you use it for, and when

When your HUD1 needs to be a non-HUD HUD and why this makes your life easier

Do this early and often

The heads-up statement to always include in your option contract so you stay above reproach

Using an option contract gives you these four advantages

3 important save-your-butt reasons why you must record a Notice of Options contract. Here’s what it should say. Here’s when and where to record it

Control the lender and title company in an A-B, B-C deal or you may never get to closing

Ask the end buyers lender this to ensure no surprises that kill the deal

The 6 word-for-word clauses to include in your Counter

Why you MUST counter offer EVERY offer – even when the price is right

Do you know those sneaky lenders can drop a bomb on your back-to-back transaction by retracting the Short Sale? Do this one thing and you stop them cold

How to locate, interview, and qualify a title company or closing attorney. You can’t play a professional game with amateurs and you can’t gamble you’ll just happen to get a sophisticated closing team. This is how you ENSURE you will

FHA 90-day hold cramping your cash flow… here’s how you can LEGALLY do a same-day A-B, B-C sale with an FHA loan… the Garn-St Germain Federal Depository Act guarantees it

Title companies no longer close deals using a Land Trust. This super slick, trademarked method works even better… knowing about – and using – this method alone is worth more than the entire cost of the weekend

Seasoning, seasoning. It may lock out other investors but not you when you know this secret

About that Freddie Mac property flipping waiver… it won’t affect you

Where to get 30-day fast funding for flips with NO upfront fees… regardless of your credit score or financial qualifications

The best time to push the lender’s Loss Mitigator

Why you should go to the Court House foreclosure auctions and NOT buy… you’ll get something much more valuable than a good deal

Don’t even include these two items on a repair list… but there’s still a way to cover the costs

Do NOT sign your B to C contract until you have…

What about 2nd liens… ask the lender this precise question to know if you should move forward or walk

Why you need to do a Preliminary Title Report. Order it around the same time as the BPO

The 3 must include on a Short Sale Purchase Agreement

How to get the lender to use your BPO values every time

Best way to orchestrate the BPO so you buy at the lowest price and sell at the highest price

All about Broker Price Opinions (BPOs) – what they are and how the feasibility and profitability of the transaction rely on them

Positive Results Conversation – fancy name. The specific method of quickly pre-qualifying your deals so you can focus on the winners and drop the time wasters before investing any time in appointments

Let’s name names: which Banks play nice, which Banks play nasty… this makes a huge difference in how long it will take or even if you’re likely to have a successful transaction… don’t you want to know the score before investing your time, effort and money

How to design the perfect HUD1 that will often net you thousands of dollars more per deal – sly tricks with this seemingly boring and simple document that no one else knows

How to craft a Short Sale package that will get attention and let your negotiator bring you top dollar

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