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OilTradingAcademy - Academy Code 1 + 2 + 3 Video Courses


Whether you're a beginner or an advanced trader. This is where you need to get started learning the "code" for the oil market or any of the Futures markets. For all Futures markets follow the same exact "code 1" as oil does. For instance you could buy this code 1 video course and then apply what you've learned to trading gold, or trading the Emini S&P, or any other futures instrument, because all of them are controlled by the same exact "code". This code is what I call "Code 1" Academy Code.

Code 1 is the fundamental code behind the Futures markets. It's the way in which all futures move either up or down with. For they can neither move up nor down without using the "code". Read more about Academy Code 1 Video Course from Oiltradingacademy.


Code 2 is unlike anything else with respect to trading. Code 2 is like having the ultimate "cheat sheet" with respect to trading the Oil market. Unlike Code 1 which goes for very small profits of 20 penny trades, $200 using 1 contract of Oil, Code 2 goes for much larger trades and hits them! How does 100 and often times 200 penny trades sound? How does 3 per day sound? I ask you, how much money do you want to make? And how hard are you willing to work for it? This is up to you. When you watch Code 2 videos they will make you fall straight out of your chair in disbelief, and you will say to yourself, "well if this is actually true, then I can become rich".


Code 3 was discovered by David by accident in November 2018. While gathering together old charts of Code 1 and Code 2 with the intention of creating new Code 1 and Code 2 courses using the old charts from 2012 to teach with. While looking at the charts from 2012 I by sheer luck or accident or providence discovered Code 3.

This is a new way to trade all futures markets such as Oil, Gold, Emini S&P, Mini-Dow Jones Industrial Average, Mini-Nasdaq, Russell 2000, and any and all other futures and forex markets.

Code 3 represents a major breakthrough with respect to the codes and with respect to trading in general.

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