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Eric Edmeades – The WildFit Program

you’ll learn:

  • How to work with the 6 Human pangs of hunger so you can interpret cravings correctly
  • (because your body doesn’t actually want an entire pint of ice cream!)
  • How to eat in alignment with the 4 natural food seasons for humans
  • Exactly which foods tell the body to go into Spring (the fat-burning season)
  • Proven mindset & behavioral techniques to make sure that you NEVER feel powerless to food again
  • How to access your intuition (instead of willpower) to guide your food choices, and much more.

7 Things You Should Know About WildFit:

This is NOT a temporary detox or short-term cleanse.

WildFit is a lifestyle, and WildFit 90 is about spending a dedicated period of time easing your body into this new way of living and eating

  • You’ll never be hungry. Do you know those programs that try to teach how to endure deprivation? This is not one of those. You’ll be satisfied every single day.
  • Our exercise requirements=ZERO. We would never (never!) encourage anyone to not exercise. However, most people think that exercise is the greatest key to changing their body, but it actually isn’t. It’s almost always about the food you’re eating. That’s why WildFit focuses exclusively on nutritional choices and food mindset.
  • We won’t sugarcoat it: This won’t always be easy. Some changes will feel effortless and others will really challenge you. This is why the community and coaching support are so invaluable. You’ll be supported every step.
  • There are no special foods to purchase. WildFit 90 does not ask you to purchase “special foods” or “energy shakes” to complete the journey. All the foods you’ll be eating can be commonly found at your local supermarket.
  • This is so much more than a nutrition program. WildFit 90 is also a major personal development journey. You’ll walk away with greater clarity about yourself, why you’ve made the choices you have, and how to create sustainable change in your life (inside and outside the kitchen).


Eric Edmeades is an international speaker, author, and pioneer in the field of evolutionary biology and nutritional anthropology.

Eric spent the earlier part of his life struggling with constant sinus and throat infections, excess weight, acne, and chronic fatigue.

His doctors believed that surgically removing his tonsils was the solution, but on a whim, Eric decided to experiment with changing his diet. Within 30 days, all his symptoms went away, so the surgery was canceled.

Eric’s personal experience drove his passion to explore food’s role in human health. He wanted to understand why simple dietary changes healed his body – especially when western medicine had spent years telling him that cutting out a part of his body was the only solution.

His research took him to live with bushmen in Africa, where he studied their eating patterns. He waded through stacks of nutritional data and functional anthropology research and devoted years of his life to analyzing and testing his theories.

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