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The Ultimate Book On (Volume II)



The second printing of “The Ultimate Book on Volume 2: to ” is now out!!! 

This is a book that correlates all Geocosmic signatures involving major aspect relationships between Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, to the intermediate and longer-term cycles in the U.S. stock market. Intermediate cycles involve those that last 1-2 years. Longer-term cycles relate to those of the 4-year or greater types. 

The book was originally written in 1999. This will be the first update, and it will calculate new values for all these cycles. It will include the cycles that unfolded between 1999 and early 2012. For investors or longer-term position traders, this book is invaluable. Special attention will be given to the Uranus-Pluto aspects since the late 1600s (British stock market data). 

The price of this new and expanded book is $125.00, plus postage. It is 300 pages in length, with research results on the correlation of long-term stock market cycles to all long-term planetary cycles, going back as far as the late 1600s. 

Once in a great while a truly revolutionary trading book is published that creates and redefines a method of analysis. Past examples would include Technical Analysis of Stock Trends by Magee and Edwards in 1948, or New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems by Wells Wilder in 1978. A new book has just been published that is just as revolutionary for the method of financial astrology. In his new book, The Ultimate Book on Vol 2: to , Ray Merriman takes astrological analysis of markets to a new level with his excellent and incredibly in-depth research.” -David Wierzba, Willow Financial, Atlanta, GA. 

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