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Smbtraining - Strategy Course by John Locke

We are fully invested in this strategy. And we think you should invest in it too.

Learn the Options Trading Strategy that Allows You to Profit Big When the Market Goes Down and Generate Income During Most Other Market Conditions.

In "The ", John Locke teaches you:

  • The trade guidelines that offer a high win rate in most market conditions AND potential high returns in certain market conditions.
  • The strategy that provides big profits in bearish trending and volatile markets.
  • The systematic and objective way to appropriately size your trade and adjust your profit targets based on time and market conditions.
  • Learn the simple once-per-day management methods to adjust your to changing market conditions.

John Locke Dives Deep to Prepare You for the Most Challenging Markets:

  • High probability and High profit potential do not typically go hand-in-hand with traditional options income strategies. But John's method of trading the offers just that.
  • Since the trade can also profit in bullish markets, it is vastly superior to many forms of hedging that limit upside. The can add much needed P/L when your traditional portfolio may be suffering most.
  • You'll learn the price point adjustments and simple Greeks management techniques to adjust your trade without any technical analysis or predicting.
  • John provides tons of examples in multiple market conditions so you'll be fully prepared to face whatever the market throws at you. John doesn't cherry pick the easy trades either.

Course Contents:

  1. “Trade Guidelines”
  2. "An Average Month"
  3. "Dealing with Market Rallies"
  4. "Dealing with Large Sell-offs"
  5. "Increment Adjustability"
  6. " in an Extremely Bullish Market"

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