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Michael Hyatt – Free to Focus

The Secret to Achieving More While Doing Less

If you’re exhausted at the end of each day, feeling unsure of what you actually achieved in your day, it’s not your fault. The old model of productivity has failed you. Productivity is not about getting more done at a faster speed. It’s about getting results.

As high achievers, we measure our work by outcomes, not activity. Checking off more tasks won’t matter unless they’re the right tasks.

To address this, I’ve created an entirely new system for productivity that will drive results instead of endless box-checking. After all, true productivity is a means to a greater end—the achievement of what matters most at work and at home.

What I’m about to show you will clear a path for you to achieve more by actually doing less.

What If You Could Eliminate Distractions and Realize Your Full Potential at Work and at Home?

Even if you do want true productivity, it can seem like the world is working against you.

  • Because you’re responsible, you attract more tasks that eat at your margin.
  • Distractions are everywhere. From our phones to our co-workers, getting actual work done can seem impossible.
  • And the “urgent” often disrupts your plans for productivity.

Throughout it all, you desire an energized, satisfying, effective life. You want to be proactive, not reactive. You want the power to finish, delegate, and delete so that you can live and work in peace. In your mind’s eye, you can see yourself at peak productivity, but that reality is just out of reach.

If anyone knows how it feels to face non-stop emails, constant interruptions, and an endless set of tasks—with the pressure to constantly drive results—I sure do.

If you’ve faced personal and professional chaos because of your to-do list, I hear you.

As a father of five daughters, I have been the CEO of a major corporation and am now a successful entrepreneur leading a fast-growing company. If you want to talk about raising a family, running a business, managing employees, satisfying shareholders, following your dreams, AND having time for rest and relationships, you have come to the right place.

First, I need to share an important truth with you: There will always be more tasks than time.

As I spent years pursuing the answer to making my own life productive and fulfilling, I realized that the solution isn’t magically getting it all done or finding more hours in the day.

You and I only have 24 hours a day, and that’s it.

But how you make use of those 24 hours is the difference between feeling swallowed alive and feeling like the task-eating shark on top of the food chain.

You must learn to make the maximum use of your hours with the kind of focus that only a few know how to harness.

And I’m going to show you how.

Three Simple Steps to Freedom

Free to Focus is simple to learn and fast to implement. There are three steps to becoming free to focus and achieve more by doing less—STOP, CUT, and ACT.

  • STOP
    • Get clear on what you’re after, what’s not working, and what’s possible.
  • CUT
    • Eliminate the tasks that don’t serve your long-term vision.
  • ACT
    • Execute the plan you’ve created and reap the rewards

Right now, if you’re like most entrepreneurs and leaders, you’re probably spending 20% of your time on high-leverage, revenue-producing projects. The other 80% is spent on inefficient meetings, solving other people’s problems, a sea of emails, draining operational issues, and the countless fires you have to put out.

But what if you could flip that—and spend 80% of your time on the projects that drive your business forward instead of just keeping it going?

That would mean a 300% increase in your ability to focus on the projects and priorities that generate cash now and in the future. You could…

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