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Tradingeducators - Life Index for Traders By Joe Ross

Stay on course for greater profits with the Life Index for Traders™

"I developed this product many years ago to help myself build the right kind of character for trading, as well as my personal fortune. Even though I am a successful trader, I'm not a perfect trader. I have never stopped growing and learning, and with the Life Index, I have greatly cut my losses." ~ Joe Ross

Message from Joe Ross

I use the Life Index to chart my trading life, and doing it boosts my profitability.  Any or all aspects of my life that impact my trading can be charted. You should do it, too! You can use the Life Index to monitor your daily life, to chart your progress, and to stay on course with your trading plan.

A great tool for charting your life, your trading business, and for building the kind of character necessary for making money through trading. The Life Index™ is a simple concept that, when applied diligently, will guide you into becoming a more successful trader as well as a more successful person who succeeds in making money through trading.

Use the Life Index to help form winning habits

The Life Index helps you put together a plan that captures yourthoughts and brings your actions under control. Joe can tell you this: the more you think you don’t need to keep a life index, the more you are apt to be the person who really needs to be keeping it.

You can chart any aspect of your life that you feel is important to your trading. The Life Index also helps you build the right character and have the correct mindset to be a successful trader.

You need character to trade profitably

Without strong character you are heading for disaster in your trading business. Without strong character, the markets will rip you apart before you know it.

Character pertains to your very makeup, the essential fiber of your being. It includes your attitudes, your integrity, your honesty, your self-discipline, and your self-control. Without it, it's almost impossible to be consistently profitable in the markets. Character has everything to do with your success as a trader.

You need to be persistent and diligent when you trade

That takes character. There is no room for compromise. You need to examine your own level of maturity as a trader and as an individual if you want to succeed.

Where and how do you learn all about the Life Index?

I explained the concept in detail in my book Trading Is a Business, but the book does not provide you with an easy, practical way to quickly implement the practices into your trading life. Because we live in an extremely fast-paced world, with little spare time, I asked William Vanecek to create a tool, the Life Index for Traders(LIFT)that would enable anyone to immediately be able to start charting and using his/her own life index. It's fantastic! I really wish I had this unique tool years ago. The Life Index changed my life, but this practical tool takes it to another level! The "Life Index For Traders™" simplifies the process of tracking, charting, and evaluating Your Life, saving you valuable time

Some of the concepts from my books are so important that they can stand alone as a subject of study. Some are so central to my trading that it is essential to get them right. The Life Index™ is one of these concepts, and the computer evaluation tool, "LIFT™," was designed to make “getting it right” easier. LIFT makes it easier for you to gain the self-control and self-discipline you need for trading success. It includes multiple graphs that enable you to evaluate your progress from several vantage points. You can view your overall Life Index by week or by day, and you can also view your progress by category. Using these multiple vantage points can help you pinpoint problem areas in your character that require the most attention, and therefore will save you from wasting time in the areas that don’t need your attention. This, too, will make you more effective, efficient and profitable. If you are serious about improving as a trader, you need to add the Life Index for Traders™ to your trading repertoire.

Equity Evaluator

There's an additional tool I asked William to digitalize for me: it's a simple but extremely effective tool I created for charting my progress as a trader. We call it the "Equity Evaluator™" This tool fits perfectly with the Life Index for Traders™ (LIFT). The Equity Evaluator™ lets you see exactly how well you are doing in the markets. But it does even more than that. The Equity Evaluator tells when you need to stop trading long enough to take a serious look at your Life Index. It tells you when you need to paper trade, and it tells you when it's okay to trade with real money. The Life Index for Traders (LIFT) and the Equity Evaluator™ work hand-in-hand to ensure your trading success. The Equity Evaluator is included with LIFT as a bonus.

Stay on course with your trading goals - chart your life and make money doing it!

​"There are some people who do not know that they must have a hold over themselves and their life. Out of those who know this, almost all fail to consistently keep their lives/career on track. Through the LIFT, a person can constantly keep his life organized and whenever he strays, the LIFT will indicate where he's going astray. It's a Great tool to realize who you are, where you are and what you can achieve. Thanks to Mr. Joe Ross and the people associated with the LIFT!"

~ Amit Jain, India

"I truly believe Life index for Traders is an excellent and very helpful tool in becoming better. I first found out about it in Joe Ross' book "Trading is a Business" which to me is certainly the most valuable book about trading. Life Index for Traders e-book is so nicely done that I soon noticed that I have become “addicted” to it. It has rapidly become a pleasant and easy to follow habit. It is not only about constant self-evaluation. I think one of the most important things about the Life index is that it shows you on a daily basis what is important for you to do as a trader. And sooner or later you do it. You implement new good habits in your life, one by one. Excellent tool! Extremely efficient! Thank you Joe!!!"

~Michal Abel, Poland

"Discipline is very important for successful trading! I want to be a successful trader so I use the Life Index for Traders to log my progress on a daily basis. That way I can show it to my coach and be held accountable for my actions. This will encourage to improve all areas of my life. That, in turn, will help my trading!"

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