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The Law of Cause and Effect
Creating a Planetary Price-Time Map Of Market Action
Through Sympathetic Resonance
Breakthroughs in W. D. Gann's Price-Time Relationships

Our new course, The Law of Cause and Effect: Creating a Planetary Price/Time Map of Market Action Through Sympathetic Resonance, by Italian author and trader, , unravels the correct application of this most intriguing, yet least understood and properly applied principle of the great W. D. Gann, Planetary Price Lines.  Many people have experimented with this technique, and a number of software programs have functions which produce variations on this application, yet few have been able to demonstrate the true potential of this powerful tool, due to a lack of a proper conversion factor which allows these Key natural forces to be usefully plotted on modern day charts with their extended price scales.  Gann never spoke in detail about this technique, and the few references we have to it appear only on some of his most complex and messy charts, having to be deciphered and reverse engineered by the astute Gann analyst in order to determine what he was actually doing. Unfortunately, these attempts have rarely provided a fully functional tool for modern traders, because there is a missing Key, without which one becomes overwhelmed with too much indecipherable information.

The Law of Cause and Effect solves the puzzle of Gann’s Planetary Price Line technique, through developing a mathematical offset factor, or conversion rate, through which functional and powerful planetary lines can be laid out on any chart in any market showing important price and time trigger points and support/resistance levels which the market moves between as if it were pushed and pulled by some kind of magnetic force.  Without the use of this conversion factor one can put Planetary Lines on charts all day long, but they do not give accurate or consistent results that one can count on. The endless variations between the aspect harmonics can overload a trader with so much information that it all becomes essentially useless, UNLESS one understands how to mathematically correlate these lines with each particular market!  When this is properly done, the Planetary Lines serve as a kind of lattice or grid work which the market moves between in a predictable and tradable manner, giving one the ability to master the projection of price levels.

There are several courses that provide what we consider to be the best tools for projecting turning points in time, like Dr. Alexander Goulden’s, Behind The Veil, which presents a set of geometric price and astrological time tools to project multiple overlapping future turning points on any market and any time frame, or Daniel Ferrera’s Wheels Within Wheels which creates long term cycle models giving excellent projections of turning points years in advance. These courses are essential for timing market turns and no serious trader should be without them, and those of you who have these works will also appreciate this new overlay of natural planetary time lines to intersect with the time projections and other price level tools that you use from these other courses.  In this context, The Law of Cause and Effect becomes an essential compliment all other timing methodologies, or other pricing techniques, through providing the addition of an overlay of powerful Planetary Price techniques which add an extra dimension to one’s market forecasts and trading indications, giving a direct another perspective in the correlation of price and time.  Through the integration of such price and time insights, one is able to accomplish the great task of “Squaring Price and Time,” just as the great W. D. Gann was famous for doing.

However, even without the other popular courses mentioned above, The Law of Cause and Effect also presents a detailed 70 page section elaborating a number of important time cycles, which when coordinated with the price projections, give a trader the advantage of having both a price and time component to identify prospective trades.  Many of these cycles were inspired by the work of George Bayer, who discovered them by an analysis of Bible Symbolism, and Mr. Prandelli presents a clear analysis of the sources and applications of these esoteric cycle teachings originally developed by George Bayer.  The book contains forecasts and trades made in real-time while the book was being written, and includes future forecasted timing points for the coming year using these time cycles.

We also have available on our website two software programs which will produce Gann’s Planetary Lines as described in the course, Market Analyst 6 Astro Edition, and Ganntrader 3.1 has also agreed to monitor an Online Discussion Forum to answer question about his course, which will also serve as an environment where traders can discuss research, analyze markets, and share insights with their peers. Scroll further down this page, for more information about , an example of his Real-Time forecasts, a link to his Online Blog where those forecasts are documented, as well as a full Table of Contents.

Whatever trading tools you may use, the addition of the Gann’s Planetary Lines will provide a significantly deeper dimension of insight into the market action, giving you a clear insight into the True Cause of Market Reversals!  We have no doubt that, once understood, no trader will ever again place a trade without consideration of these essential Planetary Price Lines

The Law of Cause and Effect
Creating a Planetary Price-Time Map Of Market Action Through Sympathetic Resonance
Breakthroughs in W. D. Gann's Price-Time Relationships
black suede hardcover.  240 pages, 160 charts & diagrams
Retail  Price $1995.00 

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