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- AllStarFX Complete

Since 2004, having conducted several dozen live Forex Training workshops for Forexmentor members around the world, I've had the privileage of meeting and talking to many of you in person. It gives me great pleasure to witness the progress many of you are making towards becoming a professional currency trader.

I have been thinking a lot about how I can use my unique experience and perspective as a professional trader and fund manager to help our traders to sharpen their trading and get more profits from market.

I wanted to create a one-of-a-kind power resource to help our traders to go beyond the basics and acquire a deeper understanding and appreciation for this fascinating market. I want you to gain a clearer edge over the ever increasing number of retail traders entering the marketplace.

My Forexmentor Advanced Forex Course is a result of 9 months vigorous design and planning with the entire Forexmentor Team.

"This course is incredible! I am learning so much that in the 10-days that I have had the DVD's I feel I have learned more than the past year since coming into the Forex market. Thank you" - Steve Lyon

"Chris, The Advanced CD course is awesome! Mark and I think the forex runs through your veins before it hits the charts. I just hope we have the Discipline to trade 100% the way you teach.This will truly change my life. Thank you again! Your Faithful Follower" -Tugboat

Dear Chris, Hello! this is Ali Firoozi from Iran! i think you are remembering me cause i contacted you before then you answered my questions with pleasure!

please be informed that i purchase your advanced course a few weeks ago and don t know how to appreciate you! WOW!BOY! who you are! from which planet ve you come from! your techniques ROCK! i can not beleive that after just studing only your S/R section, i ve not lost a single trade! anyways this is the best purchase i ve ever made in my lifetime! i used not to apply TA in my trading but you really opened my eyes! you must sell your course 10 times the current price! i know the market is not a perfect place but you are the Holy Grail itself! I really really appreciate all of your efforts in the matter and please use my message as a testemonial in your website! Love you Chris and hope to meet you someday. Your humble student -Ali Firoozi

"We purchased the Advanced CD Course the first day it became available. We scoured through the material, getting only a ¼ of the way through as we are writing this. It is unbelievable how much information and knowledge that we have already gotten from it. We got through 3 CD’s by Thursday night and Friday morning we were able to make a trade based on what we learned. We confidently sold a news rally on the GBP/USD pair – getting in on a 5 min long wicked pseudo hammer (using top down Analysis on all charts including the daily to determine when we should switch to the 5 min chart). We got in around 1.8835 and by the time 45 min’s were gone, price had gone nearly 100 pips in our direction." -Wendy & Jeremiah

In the Forexmentor Advanced Forex Course, I have broken Forex trading down into simple concepts that can be applied to your trading immediately. The Advanced Forex CD course presents characteristics about the market that could have cost you hundreds of hours and tens of thousands of dollars for you to figure out on your own. This is no exaggeration.

This complete course will offer you an extraordinary amount of practical professional knowledge and masterful insights into the Forex market that you simply cannot find anywhere else. You will have the opportunity to learn from me by watching over my shoulder and see for yourself how I approach each and every trading scenario.

This is truly a rare opportunity and I guarantee that you will come away from the course a better and more informed currency trader.

This course will guarantee to expand your knowledge of the forex market so much that you will now have the ability to identify more trading opportunities that you never would have seen, before. It will increase your understanding of the market and allow you to manage trades more effectively, take profit more consistently and reduce your losses; by teaching you trade entry techniques you never would have considered, because it is against natural human instinct. Simple techniques and market knowledge used only by the pros that you can put to practice, immediately.

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