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Over the next few years, the proprietary trading and hedge fund industries will migrate largely to automated trade sele{{c}}tion and exe{{c}}ution systems. Indeed, this is already happening. While several finan{{c}}e books provide {{C}}++ {{c}}ode for pri{{c}}ing derivatives and performing numeri{{c}}al {{c}}al{{c}}ulations, none approa{{c}}hes the topi{{c}} from a system design perspe{{c}}tive. This book will be divided into two se{{c}}tions-programming te{{c}}hniques and automated trading system ( ATS ) te{{c}}hnology-and tea{{c}}h finan{{c}}ial system design and development from the absolute ground up using Mi{{c}}rosoft Visual {{C}}++.NET 2005. MS Visual {{C}}++.NET 2005 has been {{c}}hosen as the implementation language primarily be{{c}}ause most trading firms and large banks have developed and {{c}}ontinue to develop their proprietary algorithms in ISO {{C}}++ and Visual {{C}}++.NET provides the greatest flexibility for in{{c}}orporating these lega{{c}}y algorithms into working systems. Furthermore, the.NET Framework and development environment provide the best libraries and tools for rapid development of trading systems. The first se{{c}}tion of the book explains Visual {{C}}++.N ET 2005 in detail and fo{{c}}uses on the required programming knowledge for automated trading system development, in{{c}}luding obje{{c}}t oriented design, delegates and events, enumerations, random number generation, timing and timer obje{{c}}ts, and data management with STL.NET and.NET {{c}}olle{{c}}tions. Furthermore, sin{{c}}e most lega{{c}}y {{c}}ode and modeling {{c}}ode in the finan{{c}}ial markets is done in ISO {{C}}++, this book looks in depth at several advan{{c}}ed topi{{cs}} relating to managed/unmanaged/{{C}}OM memory management and interoperability. Further, this book provides dozens of examples illustrating the use of database {{c}}onne{{c}}tivity with ADO.NET and an extensive treatment of SQL and FIX and XML/FIXML. Advan{{c}}ed programming topi{{cs}} su{{c}}h as threading, so{{c}}kets, as well as using {{C}}++.NET to {{c}}onne{{c}}t to Ex{{c}}el are also dis{{c}}ussed at length and supported by examples. The se{{c}}ond se{{c}}tion of the book explains te{{c}}hnologi{{c}}al {{c}}on{{c}}erns and design {{c}}on{{c}}epts for automated trading systems. Spe{{c}}ifi{{c}}ally, {{c}}hapters are devoted to handling real-time data feeds, managing orders in the ex{{c}}hange order book, position sele{{c}}tion, and risk management. A.dll is in{{c}}luded in the book that will emulate {{c}}onne{{c}}tion to a widely used industry API ( Trading Te{{c}}hnologies, In{{c}}. ‘s XTAPI ) and provide ways to test position and order management algorithms. Design patterns are presented for market taking systems based upon te{{c}}hni{{c}}al analysis as well as for market making systems using intermarket spreads. As all of the {{c}}hapters revolve around {{c}}omputer programming for finan{{c}}ial engineering and trading system development, this book will edu{{c}}ate traders, finan{{c}}ial engineers, quantitative analysts, students of quantitative finan{{c}}e and even experien{{c}}ed programmers on te{{c}}hnologi{{c}}al issues that revolve around development of finan{{c}}ial appli{{c}}ations in a Mi{{c}}rosoft environment and the {{c}}onstru{{c}}tion and implementation of real-time trading systems and tools. This title tea{{c}}hes finan{{c}}ial system design and development from the ground up using Mi{{c}}rosoft Visual {{C}}++.NET 2005. It provides dozens of examples illustrating the programming approa{{c}}hes in the book. {{C}}hapters are supported by s{{c}}reenshots, equations, sample Ex{{c}}el spreadsheets, and programming {{c}}ode.

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